La llorona- a women who lost her mind, not her kids.


Soy La llorona


“Soy la llorona when it’s time to clean the house-

that’s how much I hate it.

I try to put a smile on my face,

but I just can’t fake it.

I walk around cleaning, thinking everything is fine,

when all I want to do is drink a bottle of fucking wine.

I turn on an episode of ‘Hoarders’, and I look around-

not a mile high stack of newspapers,

or a dead flat rat can be found.

I realize my house doesn’t look so bad,

so a bottle of wine shall be had.

I watch a show about a sister wife- thinking-

why cant I have one of these women in my life?

Am I losing my mind,

because I’m thinking it’s ok-

for a woman to have my husband every other day?

Maybe it’s the wine talking, because I would never agree,

that you could fuck my husband because you did my laundry.”


“Soy la llorona because I see women I love struggle, and I can’t do anything about it.

I see women fuck over other women like a bad habit.

Dare I say that’s the reason why-

Hilary Clinton will never win the presidency.

Because of women who don’t care or feel the urgency.

I’m not Democrat or Republican,

but I can not tell a lie.

I would love to see a women leader before I fucking die!

I see women who look down on other women because they don’t work.

Like raising kids is not the toughest job-

you big fucking jerk!

When I see women desperately trying to be your friend-

just to get to your husband.

Your “BFF’s”, your friends for years, “loyal” and true,

who will never read, like, or share this because they know it’s you.

We have the vagina as the common denominator-

It moves mountains.

But it doesn’t stop us from being the hater.

I see women who are conniving, vicious, arrogant, and not kind.

What the fuck man, I’m losing my mind!”


“Soy la llorona because I think I’m fat,

but my husband thinks I’m beautiful-

so what’s up with that?

I look in the mirror and hate what I see,

is Liposuction and botox in store for me?

I love food so much, it keeps me awake.

I live for banana pancakes, tamales-

my mom’s chocolate cake.

I try to think positive and go to the gym,

But I love Whataburger so much-

I just can’t win!

I battle in my head: should I eat this burger and go to bed.

Or succumb to what society says,

and get the lap band instead?

I’m losing my mind!

Why can’t I be happy with my body and drink my fucking wine?!


“Soy la llorona because I’m latina, and I don’t look like my son.

He has blond hair and blue eyes;

I get called the nanny in front of everyone.

I love my raza and my culture.

Give us a taco and a beer, y estamos felizes.

We do what we have to do to survive-

Te vendemos chicles.

You don’t want to clean toilets, pick in the fields, or scrub a pan.

Yet I hear-

“Get the fuck out, you stupid, lazy Mexican.!”

Why should I vote for a man who wants to build a wall,

promotes hate and inequality for all.

again, I lose my mind-

why the fuck can’t we all just get along?”


“lloro, y lloro, y lloro mas.

But before you judge me for my mind, my drinking, and my thoughts.

Make sure you’re in front of a mirror-asking

am I just as fucked up?


I’m grateful for my life, my family, and my friends.

But fuck it!-

soy la llorona every now and then.

I can go on and on


Does anyone know if Don’s and Ben’s deliver?!”


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